The WholeYou Weight Wellness™ Team

Karen Mangum MS, RDN, LD
Weight Wellness™ Coach
With 30 years' experience as a registered dietitian, Karen has helped hundreds of clients make life-long changes in their health through sound, evidence-based weight management principles.
She has over 17 years' experience in bariatric (weight loss surgery) medicine, where she focused on individual needs as well as group coaching and bi-monthly cooking classes.
Click to Reveal More About Karen Mangum MS, RDN, LD
She loves to create recipes - which came in handy while raising five active kids! In fact, she wrote for Cooking Light and Weight Watchers magazines for years and now manages her own food blog at Check it out for quick and easy, nourishing and delicious recipes which remind us that healthy eating means fantastic food with awesome flavors, eaten with intention and love.
She is an expert in Intuitive Eating Principles which include Mindful Eating practices - guides to making peace with food with a resolve to support ourselves with loving acceptance. Karen's professional passion and greatest joy is helping her clients seek life-changing solutions to their desired health goals.

Cathy Adolph MS, RDN, CPT
Weight Wellness™ Coach
With twenty years of fitness and nutrition experience, Cathy is an expert in all aspects of wellness coaching.
She not only holds a degree in Biology and a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition, but she is also a Registered Dietitian, a Certified Personal Trainer and a USA Track & Field Coach. Her passion is working with clients who not only want to get stronger or lose weight but who want to be well-rounded in all aspects of their lives.
Instagram @cathy.l.adolph
Click to Reveal More About Cathy Adolph MS, RDN, CPT
Cathy is an expert at combining movement therapy, nutrition counseling and personal goal setting for her clients. She is a competitive marathon runner and avid Ironman triathlete who enjoys living a very healthy lifestyle.
Known for her great listening skills, Cathy has years of experience encouraging people to become their best selves by getting adequate sleep, feeding themselves properly, exercising regularly, using proven stress reduction techniques and listening to their intuition when it comes to living well.
Her passion is to empower regular people – those with too much stress, bad food choices and not enough support – to become the best they can be!
Cathy has coached nutrition & personal training clients with the following conditions: Cancer, Diabetes, Joint Replacement, Morbid Obesity, Heart Disease, IBS, Colitis & Crohn’s Disease, Sports Nutrition, Pre- & Post-Surgery, Pregnancy, Teen Obesity, Auto-Immune Disorders, Depression, Autism and more. She also has experience with all age ranges from pre-teen to the elderly.
Cathy sees wonderful results with her clients based upon her knowledge, experience and gentle leadership.

Katie Nelson RN
Weight Wellness™ Coach
Katie Nelson is an emergency nurse, parent to two brilliant and busy little boys with her equally brilliant and busy husband, head of household logistics, traveler, foodie, and amateur chef.
Katie has struggled with her weight, body image, on/off dieting for nearly her whole life, so she knows how hard the struggle is to get to a body and mind that makes you feel strong, confident, and content.
Instagram @katienlsn
Click to Reveal More About Katie Nelson RN
Katie was in Wholist's first Weight Wellness™ group and saw firsthand how powerful the right science and mindset can be in helping you reaching your goals and she is so excited to share this journey with you.
Katie has bachelor's degrees in biochemistry and nursing, has worked as a paramedic and an athletic trainer, and has always pursued self-enrichment through learning about nutrition, exercise, and wellness.

Heather Hammerstedt MD MPH
Weight Wellness™ Coach
I’ve watched my friends, and myself, struggle to figure out what the “right” thing to do is with nutrition and weight management.
We are all bright, successful, educated and powerful mommas, many of us with medical or other higher-level degrees and great jobs. But the amount of noise and conflicting advice was overwhelming and we all felt confused and shamed by our “willpower” issues around food.
So, I deep dived (because I’m a biochemist and a doctor, with training in integrative nutrition, and naturally persistent and stubborn).
Click to Reveal More About Heather Hammerstedt MD MPH
I started sleeping better, focused better at work, lost the last bit of my weight and at 40 found my best body and my best fitness.
I love talking to clients and sharing what I know. I’m told I am kind and supportive as a coach and that I help people make decisions within their own life with no judgement.
I’m also an emergency physician, a mom, a wife, a global health educator, and a believer in the capacity of people to work together to create impactful solutions. I’m happy to be on your team!

Kathrine Kofoed MA
Weight Wellness™ Coach
Click to Reveal More About Kathrine Kofoed MA

Kari Christie
Weight Wellness™ Coach
Click to Reveal More About Kari Christie

Shola Ezeokoli MD
Wholist Premium Mindset Coach, Balance with Dr Shola Life Coach
I am Dr. Shola Ezeokoli, the vibrant and innovative CEO and founder of Balance With Dr. Shola LLC. I am an ICF certified professional life coach, corporate and conference speaker, #1 Amazon Best-selling Author, and triple licensed internal medicine physician.
I started my career as a medical doctor, but my passion for helping people go to the next level of their lives lead me into public speaking, writing, and professional coaching.
I help professional women live burnout and stress free lives by teaching them to create lives of balance and total life harmony through my coaching programs.
In the weight wellness space, I help clients uncover and change limiting mindsets that prevent you from stepping up to your healthiest self. I also help strategize the best plans, working with your busy schedule to keep you on track with your goals for a healthy weight and self image..
Instagram: @sholashade1
Click to Reveal More About Shola Ezeokoli MD
Dr. Shola is a board certified internist and an ICF certified life coach. Over four sessions over the next 12 weeks, she will help you uncover and change limiting mindsets that prevent you from stepping up to your healthiest self. Through motivational interviewing as well as traditional coaching methods, together you will strategize the best plans, work within your busy schedule to keep you on track with your goals for a healthy weight and self image. Having struggled with weight and body image issues herself, and having done the inner work required for her change and growth, she will be with you every step of the way, offering support, empathy, understanding and motivation. By the end of your sessions you will have the correct mindset, more confidence and a “can do” attitude. This will keep you on track by not only inspiring you not only to lose weight, but to maintain your weight loss over the long term, and tackle the rest of life as it comes.

Jenny Gueguen MA, CCHT
Wholist Mindset Coach, Awake and Aware Hypnotherapy
Jenny Gueguen holds a BA from Gonzaga University and an MA from Stanford University. She is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Yoga Instructor, and a Diplomat of Visionary Craniosacral Work.
She has completed in-depth studies in Effective Communication, Relationship Building Skills and Awareness Meditation Practices. She brings these therapeutic approaches to her private integrative therapy practice, Awake & Aware (
Click to Reveal More About Jenny Gueguen MA, CCHT
In practice since 1992, Jenny teaches and facilitates Effective Communication and works with children, adults, families, and couples to free themselves from physical and emotional pain and meet the present moment with clarity.
To effectively invite your body to arrive at and sustain a comfortable weight you must clear the memories, habits, emotions, life situations, and understandings that lie at its root.
Using Alchemical Hypnotherapy you and I will respectfully and powerfully explore all that is involved in your current weight and empower you to shift it.
And we’ll have fun doing it.
Alchemical Hypnotherapy uses a medium trance in which you are consciously aware, participating and communicating with me, and at the same time, accessing the emotions and information that have previously blocked you from enjoying your slimmer self. You are always in command of the material we access and can tell me when you want to go deeper and when you feel ready to stop.
Throughout your weight wellness program, we will meet virtually to complete your mindset transformation. Each session begins with a thorough review of where you are now, where you want to be, and what you feel is most important today.
With your permission, I access not only my (over two decades of) experience as a hypnotherapist but also my extensive intuitive training to guide us as directly as possible to the center of the issue. I then gently invite you into hypnosis through guided visualization and relaxation.
Each session follows your natural flow - we work and play with what offers itself for healing that day. We may revisit and clear old memories, discover more satisfying ways to meet the emotional needs that food has been meeting, and create positive changes in your life in general to support your new self.
We will always access your own powerful inner guidance so that, in the long run, you become your own therapist for your weight and for your whole life.

Dr. Ana Blake
Wholist Mindset Coach
In doing this work both personally and professionally, I have observed that when we struggle with our weight and body image, we often experience a lot of shame, guilt, self-doubt and self-loathing.
If you choose to coach with me, I will help you identify what has been hiding under the surface and leading you to sabotage your health for too long. It is from this place that you can truly decide NOT to let those beliefs define you any longer and to create the healthy mind and body that you have always dreamed of.
Click to Reveal More About Dr. Ana Blake
I started working with Heather last fall when I came to Wholist having gained 70 lbs after having my first baby. I had already lost some of the weight, but I was really STUCK - in more ways than just physically. I didn't FEEL healthy. I felt addicted to food, uncomfortable, physically weak and I believed so many negative things about myself and my body.
I am, like you, many things to many people. I am a wife, mother, sister, rural family physician, obstacle course racer, and - more recently- a physician life coach at The Anti-Fragile Female MD.
My journey with Wholist and with life coaching has transformed me from a place of burnout, hopelessness, perfectionism and isolation into a thriving, healthy, happy, strong and positive woman. I have lost 40 lbs, but more importantly, I am showing up as the woman I want to be in my work and in my personal life.
Along the way, I gained some amazing insight into just how complex the human brain is and how much it can be our own "worst enemy" at times.
We think anywhere from 40,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day. Most of them are unconscious, yet they have enormous power to affect how we feel and what we do. I teach my clients how to recognize those sneaky, and often very poisonous, thoughts as also being our greatest teachers, how to learn to use the emotions they create as our guides, and how to thrive in any circumstance. Overcoming obstacles to use them to our advantage is my specialty!
In doing this work both personally and professionally, I have observed that when we struggle with our weight and body image, we often experience a lot of shame, guilt, self-doubt and self-loathing. I love this quote from Brene Brown and I believe it can be applied to any of these emotions: "Shame cannot survive being spoken. It cannot tolerate having words wrapped around it. What it craves is secrecy, silence, and judgement."
If you choose to coach with me, I will help you identify what has been hiding under the surface and leading you to sabotage your health for too long. It is from this place that you can truly decide NOT to let those beliefs define you any longer and to create the healthy mind and body that you have always dreamed of.
I look forward to working together!
Coach Ana

Renee Silvus
Wholist Mindset Coach | Certified Whole Health Educator
I’ve been helping people see themselves more clearly for over 30 years as an educator, bodywork therapist, coach, and facilitator. We use tools from the world’s great wisdom traditions to help you consciously inhabit your life with confidence, authenticity, and joy.
Click to Reveal More About Renee Silvus
- Stoic Philosophy
- The Hero’s Journey
- Yoga Philosophy and Psychology
- Nonviolent and Effective Communication
- Intra-personal Meditation, Circling, and Relational Intimacy
- Spiral Dynamics and Integral
- Contemplative Practices
- Conscious Leadership
- The Creative Process
- The Enneagram

Krystal Sodaitis
Wholist Mindset Coach | Certified Life and Weight Coach
I am a pediatrician, wife, mother, healthcare executive, life long learner and yo-yo dieter in recovery.
Click to Reveal More About Krystal Sodaitis

Tracey O'Connell, M.D.
Wholist Mindset Coach | Mindset and Emotions Facilitator
Helping you FEEL...better, so you can feel better. This is my purpose as a Mindset and Emotions Facilitator.
I want your human experience to be all it can be and ... life is MESSY. We need each other.
Click to Reveal More About Tracey O'Connell, M.D.
If there's one thing we've learned from this pandemic, it's this: life is short.
I’ve spent the past 30+ years studying the human body, personal and professional relationships, striving to stay connected to my soul while living a full, complex life. I also spent decades thinking something was seriously wrong with me. While working as a radiologist, I spent A LOT of time in the dark, literally and metaphorically, feeling "not good enough" as a physician, a partner, or a parent. Years and thousands of dollars in therapy allowed me to survive and appear successful on the outside, but inside, I was miserable, trapped in mindsets I’d subscribed to my whole life.
I needed to stop betraying myself and learn how to fiercely love myself.
It wasn't until I left my high-income, high-status job and spent some quality time with myself that I realized: the solutions to my problems were inside of me. My transformation came from recognizing my own emotional intelligence and intuition as sources of wisdom and strength rather than weaknesses.
I now help others thrive by making it easier to work through their own limiting beliefs so they can lead wholehearted, rewarding lives.
I believe joy and fulfillment aren’t found in the approval of others. They’re found in our approval of ourselves.
When working with clients, I use Brené Brown’s curriculum for building resilience, combating perfectionism, and embracing who you actually are. I also employ skills I learned as an integrative health coach, including the power of writing to heal, to help break out of old narratives that are no longer relevant or useful.
I've been married to a great guy since 1994 and have 3 phenomenal young adult kids. I love to spend time in nature, read, garden, dance, do graphic design, listen to music and podcasts, and let my dog remind me what really matters. I feel most at home in the natural world.
I’m excited to meet you and help you learn to love yourself and your own one wild and precious life.

Kari Christie
Weight Wellness™ Mindset Coach
Click to Reveal More About Kari Christie
Break the yo-yo dieting cycle and create a body and mind you feel confident in again.