Weight Wellness™ Members Links and Resources
1) Weight Wellness course - this is where you'll access your podcasts and daily lessons, and where you'll do your individual work. Try and check your lessons daily (you can access them using the site referenced here and going to My Programs, then click "Go to the Course" and scroll down). Your lessons on most days will contain reference articles, and some days there will be homework, and some days there will be documents or print outs.
2) Wholist.practicebetter.io - this is where you'll communicate with your coach(es). If you're in the personal program, you will schedule your sessions with your coaches here ("request a session") and join those sessions here when it's time ("join session"). All clients will access the group chat here as well, which will be your main point of communication with your coach(es). (You can email with me directly though if you'd like.) You also have the option to track your weight by adding a journal entry (click Journals then the red + sign to add an entry and choose "measurement").
3) Ate app - take pictures of your food or caloric beverages EVERY TIME you eat or drink anything (even if it's a handful of nuts). Mark each photo as On Path or Off Path, then click the photo to access the Notes and Q&A. Your coach will check this and leave you feedback a few times a week.
4) Weight Wellness Momentum - Private Clients Only group on Facebook - this is a nice resource to connect with other clients and coaches in the program. Remember to add the team coaching calls on the Events tab to your calendar so you can join those, as they are part of your program.
5) Living Plate Rx - this meal planning service is free to use during your 12-week program, and provides relatively simple, Wholist-friendly recipe ideas. Look in your email for an invitation to create an account.

The Momentum Facebook Group

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