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Dr. Shola Ezeokoli is back for the sixth episode in her series to discuss the comfort zone disability. We talk about how the comfort zone is a place of stagnation which will eventually lead to regression, and how everything we need next for growth and change is outside of our comfort zone. 


Dr. Ezeokoli is an internal medicine doctor and the CEO and founder of Balance With Dr. Shola LLC. She is an ICF certified professional life coach, corporate and conference speaker, and #1 Amazon Best-selling Author. She helps busy professionals live burnout and stress free lives by teaching them to create lives of balance and total life harmony. As a professional life coach, she offers workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching geared towards achieving your personal growth through living a life of balance and total harmony. You can find Dr. Shola on facebook @SholaShade, Twitter and Instagram @Sholashade1, and her website www.sholaezeokoli.com


Dr Hammerstedt and her lifestyle coaching team can be found at love.wholisthealth.com and @wholisthealth on Facebook and Instagram as well as the public facebook group Curate Your Health. Wholist helps high performing women and men lose weight for the last time, with an innovative food and mindset coaching program to blueprint YOUR optimal body and mind, with real food, real work, real results… and no products or BS. Come curate YOUR sustainable health future, and personal and professional dynasty.


And remember, Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou