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Justin Solace holds a BA in Psychology, masters in Kinesiology, is a Board Certified Massage Therapist, Corrective Exercise Specialist and Orthopedic Massage therapist. He is passionate about helping people get out of chronic pain and lead a full and healthy life. His knowledge is complimented by his ability to coach his clients through obstacles that are holding them back from success. His work is also utilized by athletes of all sports ranging from casual to NCAA to Olympians aiming to achieve higher levels of performance. Justin can be found at www.hybridpainrelief.com


Today, Justin joins us for the fifth episode in his series to discuss massage therapy as preventative medicine. Preventative medicine focuses on protecting, promoting, and maintaining health and well-being to prevent disease, disability, and death. We break down how we can use what our bodies feel as clues to decide whether we should start looking into preventative care. Justin talks about what he feels in a person's body when they're heading in the wrong direction and need preventative work, and how massage and bodywork can be used as a source of feedback for preventative care. 


Dr. Hammerstedt and her lifestyle coaching team can be found at love.wholisthealth.com and @wholisthealth on Facebook and Instagram as well as the public Facebook group Curate Your Health. Wholist helps high performing women and men lose weight for the last time, with an innovative food and mindset coaching program to blueprint YOUR optimal body and mind, with real food, real work, real results… and no products or BS. Come curate YOUR sustainable health future, and personal and professional dynasty.


And remember, Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou