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Nancy Buffington is a public speaking expert, coach, and a former English Professor. While teaching public speaking at Stanford, she discovered the transformative potential of face-to-face communication. After 20 plus years in academia, she left to become a public speaking trainer and developed a unique approach to helping people find their voices and share their stories. She's a TEDx speaker coach and trains executives who are ready to elevate and expand their influence through communication. You can find her at www.nancybuffington.net


Today Nancy speaks about "the world needing your light", and what this means in terms of being in tune with your own value. Presence comes from the alignment of the beta body and mind, as well as believing our own stories. The key is genuinely presenting your best self in a consistent and elevated way.


Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou