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Heather Hammerstedt MD is a double board certified physician, in emergency medicine and lifestyle medicine, CEO of Wholist Lifestyle Medicine Coaching and Consults... and momma... who can't get enough of interviewing colleagues all over the map of medicine and health in the fields of food, leadership, exercise, weight management, mindset, mindfulness, and women's health just to get YOU the real information you can trust about YOU, your body, your and your family's health future. Real talk, real tips, real professionals, and real FUN with no BS info.
Dr. Shola Ezeokoli is the CEO and founder of Balance With Dr. Shola LLC. She is a #1 Amazon Best selling Author, and triple licensed internal medicine physician. Dr. Ezeokoli joins me today to discuss the 5 pillars of balance; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational. You can follow Dr. Ezeokoli at Balance with Dr. Shola on Facebook, @sholashade1 on Instagram and Twitter, and on YouTube at Dr. Shola TV.
In this episode we explore the idea of radical self care and harnessing our full potential of wellness through the 5 pillars of balance to attain the health we want and deserve.
And remember, Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou.