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Ana Vucetic is here for the second of a two-part series to discuss How to Prepare and Thrive During Pregnancy. This is such an important time in our lives. How do we be the healthiest we can be, both physically and mentally? This can be overwhelming! What vitamins and foods are important? What's the difference between each trimester for our bodies? Ana will help us understand and clarify the answers to these questions and so much more in today's podcast.


Ana Vucetic is Psychologist, Certified Wellness Coach, Founder of "Balanced by Ana" and mother of 2 beautiful boys. Driven by her own health struggles – Ana now is on a mission to help women feel comfortable in their body and stop the endless dieting cycles. She helps achieve a balanced approach to life and wellness by helping to clean your emotional pantry and not the kitchen! Ana believes that a balanced life is not just about the food we eat and how we move, how many hours in a week we put into our fitness routines and meal preparation - it is also how we process stress, how we manage relationships, how we balance our hormones for optimal functioning, as well as knowing your own body and the signals it gives you. Ana can be found on Facebook and Instagram @balancedbyana or on her website at https://www.balancedbyana.com/.


Dr. Hammerstedt and her lifestyle coaching team can be found at love.wholisthealth.com and @wholisthealth on Facebook and Instagram as well as the public Facebook group Curate Your Health. Wholist helps high performing women and men lose weight for the last time, with an innovative food and mindset coaching program to blueprint YOUR optimal body and mind, with real food, real work, real results… and no products or BS. Come curate YOUR sustainable health future, and personal and professional dynasty.


And remember, Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou.