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Cathy Adolph, our personal trainer, dietitian, marathoner and Wholist coach extraordinaire is back! Today Cathy joins us for the 4th episode in her series to discuss cardio training vs strength training. We break down both of these types of exercises and the specific health benefits of each. Cathy gives us tips on how to effectively train and cut calories while building muscle. As a reminder, my exercise prescription  is at LEAST 75 min of vigorous intensity cardio (or 150 min of moderate intensity) per week plus two resistance training sessions. There is even more health benefits from MORE (150 vigorous or 300 moderate) as it is dose dependent. Intensity is important! 


Dr. Hammerstedt and her lifestyle coaching team can be found at love.wholisthealth.com and @wholisthealth on Facebook and Instagram as well as the public Facebook group Curate Your Health. Wholist helps high performing women and men lose weight for the last time, with an innovative food and mindset coaching program to blueprint YOUR optimal body and mind, with real food, real work, real results… and no products or BS. Come curate YOUR sustainable health future, and personal and professional dynasty.


And remember, Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou